Monday 30 April 2007

BirdPark and Pottery

Below is the link to the BirdPark photos taken in April. Not a lot of them as it rained barely 2 hours after we stepped in. No matter what, i hope you will like the pics taken. =)

Jurong BirdPark

Following a mini spice hunt and cookery lesson last year for our annual company activity day, in mid April this year, they arranged for an afternoon class of basic pottery with Clay Cove. It was a fun filled afternoon (far better than any organised lunches or presentations that company had so far) with lots of hands on experience and interaction with the instructors. This is the sort of events that i hope to see happening more often, something that entails interaction with one single focus theme.=)

Not that last year was lousy but it was a little unfocused as they tried to introduce the spices to us through a mini spice hunt in their little garden and followed by a cooking lesson with the use of spices. All of these within a small space of 3 or 4 hours and so everything was of a little rush. Thus not as enjoyable as this year's pottery lesson. In any case, i was able to capture a lot of priceless expressions and postures displayed by my colleagues while they are concentrated in their pottery. So, i hope you will find them just as priceless. =)


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