Tuesday 17 April 2007

Xanth - Pure Fantasy

Bought the first nine Xanth novels in early march and i completed them today! and now waiting for san bookstore to call me up to pick up the tenth when its ready.

The first book, A Spell for Chameleon was published in 1977 and it won the August Derleth Fantasy Award for best novel of year. Just when we think that we know how far imagination and fantasy can go... Piers Anthony brought it to another level with his totally wild imagination. Simply beyond my wildest dreams and that's what makes it so satisfying to read his novels.

A world where love springs exist to cause whom ever to drink it to immediately fall in love with first opposite sex creature he or she met.. (that's how your crossbreeds such as griffins and centaurs came about). A world where storks do the actual delivery of babies (ladies get pregnant as part of the signal package for summoning the stork), black mares known as night mares that travel during the night to deliver bad dreams. Nickelpedes and dollarpedes exist instead of just centipedes. Place where monsters under the bed do exist to grab ankles till the children grow up and no longer believe in them. And so much more, simply a world beyond anyone's imagination but Piers Anthony.. so much fun to read. =)

Haha, cant wait to get my hands on that tenth book...

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