Thursday 4 August 2005

Reflections (Bintan Trip)

Some after-thoughts and reflections i have on the occurrences during the 2 day trip to Bintan Lagoon Resort. Even though it may have been a short trip but it did spurred something in my mind as i run through the photos. :)

One of them that pops right into mind was one of the conversations i had with the non-marketing manager that i mentioned in an earlier blog entry. It was about a beach, a beach he took for granted.

Apparently, before he became a citizen of this country, the place he lived was not too far from the beach. Though the beach was within reaching distance, he spoke to his family about going to the beach for an outing which never really came about. They did go for outings but usually ended up somewhere else.
For that moment, i reflected alongside him, thinking how true it is - a fact that we sometimes almost never treasure what we have till it's no longer there or out from our reach. I guess that is why we need to be mindful of the present and learn to appreciate and fully treasure the people and things that surround us.

Second thing that happened which gave me an insight was the wine drinking during dinnertime. The company had brought some red wine to be drunk during the dinner at Bintan and apparently, some of them had a drop too much. As the return trip to the resort was quite a distance, one of them vomitted upon reaching the resort after the bumpy ride.

It made me realise how wonderful one of the precepts that i have taken was - the precept to refrain from the usage of drugs and intoxicants. Why do i say so? Simply because by refraining from intaking of the intoxicants including drinking, i'm able to keep my mind clear and thus, less likely to cause trouble or do or even say something that i might regret later. Especially when it was the resort staff who cleared up the smelly mess - doesn't it ring a bell? A scenario that our loved ones are the ones who had to clear up the mess we made.

You may think that the person could be feeling awful about the mess created and didn't really mean to but i think fair is fair. After all one has the ability to say no to the drink in the first place. Some may even say they know their limit but do we? From what i gathered, the person only had two glasses and by the social norm, two glasses is not a lot. Somtimes a little is enough to go a long way, be it good or bad.

The third incident occurred at the ferry terminal in Bintan while waiting for our turn to board. A couple of us were having coffee sitting around a table and just chit chatting our to past time. offhandedly, one of my colleagues mentioned that (in order not to mention names here, i'll just name them X,Y and Z) X was particularly nice to Y and Z tried to brush off the topic and said, "Hey, don't anyhow say (in proper english it means keep yer mouth shut!)." My colleague replied that it is rather an observation and not made out of the air.

I couldn't agree more and it made me ponder why can't we say something that is a simple fact. Is there something more to X and Y that Z is trying to cover for them. So, what is it then? It also made me realise that a simple and uncomplicated life is the LIFE that is really worth living for. By living a life that is simple and clean, one is free of guilt and thus, have no fear of what people may say. And live free - that's life.

May all of you, my dear friends out there, be free, be happy and be well. :)

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