Wednesday 9 September 2009

David Eddings ( 7th July 1931 – 2th June 2009)

While Googling for some novels under genre Fantasy, I happened to chance upon the news of David Eddings passing away in June 2009 at the age of 77. It came as a pity to me, for someone who started reading his novels during my teenage years and still continue to revisit his books every now and then till this date with tons of laughter and enjoyment.

What can i say about him? He definitely writes a most excellent read and in his stories, he is able to breathe life into the main characters, making them so seemingly alive that you almost believe that you can simply turn around and hold a conversation with them. Looking across the room, i can see Sorceress Polgara bickering with her grumpy dad Belgarath, calling him Old Wolf repeatedly. In another corner, there is the thundering mad Sparhawk crushing into a fight with his boyish childhood friend Kalten alongside his no nonsense squire Kurik, aided by the other church knight champions Ulath, Tynian, Bevier and Berit against Otha and his hordes .

Of course, not forgetting that rat looking prince, Silk bargaining hard with other merchants, cutting hard deals and sweeping them off their feet with his "charming" ways. Did i forget to mention how Talen, the thief turned squire, becomes the future husband target of Flute, Princess Danae, Child Goddess Aphrael (they are the one and the same, afterall a Goddess should have supernatural abilities and that is to split herself up! And that she did!) and he is still trying very very hard to run away from that possibility. Oh oh, there he is, scampering across the room!

What is most truly invaluable about his style of writing? Its his sense of humour that exudes a sense of quick, dry wittiness. He creates conversations and dialogues between characters with a dry humour that often brings out a smile or laughter from me. It allows them to become alive, to become endearing to any person who reads it. Afterall, what do family and friends do amongst one another? We hold conversations and we communicate and through it, we feel alive with each other. That is why i remember the characters so vividly ~ their lively dialogues, it brings them to life =)

May he be at peace and always be well and happy. May all his fans like me continue to find love and joy through the works that he left us.

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