Monday 18 September 2006


Anger ~ what is anger?

It's a mental affliction that all of us experienced before and will most certainly continue to do so in the future. Some might have more experiences while some felt it in a greater intensity and there are others who experienced it on a lesser degree. Nonetheless, it is a basic universal mental phenomenon that no one is spared even though the degree of intensity and complexity may differ from beings to beings.

Why is anger an affliction of the mind? I believed it is so defined as it is a state of misery for who ever is experiencing anger at the moment in time. If a sense of peace or happiness or well-being is liken to being in paradise as the state of the mind, then to experience anger or hatred, the mental state should be liken to being in hell, a state of suffering. Since it is state of suffering, to experience one lesser moment of it, is to experience one more moment of peace and happiness.

Not only is anger a state of suffering, its destructive nature has far reaching consequences on the people around us and its surroundings. It destroys the calmness within our own minds and very much due to this, it is most likely that we will not be able to treat surrounding people and happenings with love and equanimity. More than likely, our actions and speech will be those that are hurtful, destroying harmonious relationships that we have.

Since it is a state of suffering, there must be a cause for such suffering. Based on the Four Noble Truths, there will be the cessation of suffering and there must be a path that will lead to the cessation of suffering. Thus, in order for us to overcome anger, we need to understand how anger works and how it arises. So, do you know how it arises? I hope you do and that you will be free from its causes. =)

Anger can only arise when we care for someone or something but fail to realise its true nature. Without correct understanding, it will cloud whatever care, concern or love that we may want to show in the first place. For example, a labourer returned home after a hard day's work, only hoping to get a good nite rest. However, his peaceful slumber was soon disrupted by the loud wailing from his little girl. " Arghh... What is the matter?" he thought. "Can't i even have a good nite rest? Is that too much to ask for? What's wrong with that girl?'"

He went over to his daughter room thinking to give her a peace of his mind. He reached out with his hand wanting to shake the girl out of her slumber but the moment he touched her, he realised that she is very warm. She is running a fever and with that understanding, all traces of anger were gone from him. Instead, he went to get a wet towel to ease his daughter's suffering with such tenderness that anyone will be touched upon seeing such a sence.

So, did the father only realise his love when the daughter is sick? No, the love has always been there. It was only the father's own narrow views that made him lose sight that he was not the only one suffering. At the same time, he is not his daughter and so, he did not know what his girl was going through. That gave rise to anger. As mentioned, anger can only arise when you care. If you couldn't care less or if it was a total stranger, would you be angry at all? I doubt so although you might be annoyed.

Since we care, why get angry in the first place? Well, because there is no understanding between the parties involved. Without understanding, love can be clouded and unable to surface but please do not doubt its existence, it is always there. With this, it is my sincere wish that all of us will be free from anger and that we may enjoy one more moment of peace and happines. =)

May we all be free from anger and enmity,
May we all be free from mental suffering,
May we all be free from physical suffering,
May we all take care of ourselves happily.
With metta =)

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