Saturday 7 November 2009

Change - You or Me?

Was chatting with Phyllis a few days back and she popped an interesting question? She asked, "Is it my perception that has changed or did the other party truly changed when i find that someone has changed?"

My answer for that ~ Both. Why both? Its pretty simple, change is a constant for both parties. Our perception is constantly changing and being shaped with each and every passing moment we experience in our lives. At the same time, so are the people around us, they too are constantly changing. Their thoughts and behaviour being shaped by each past experience they have in the very same moment too.

But why is it that we feel so strongly that someone has changed at a certain point in time but not the rest or not at other times? The key words are attention and noticeable.

Firstly, we do not pay attention to the changes that are occuring this very moment which we consider inconsequential and when we do pay attention, we realise that a lot has passed us by. Secondly, is that the change in either ourselves or the other person is drastic enough that it becomes noticeable, so resulting in the way we view the other party, giving rise to the very question itself ~ did we change or did he/she change?

Just some of my reflections on changes =)

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