Sunday 19 July 2009

Tune In to Recovery

Caught a bad cold couple of days back and was sneezing and coughing quite a bit, accompanied with a blocked nose (ears are blocked too). Not to mention that it came with lots of aches all over the body and that sudden hot/cold feelings.

During these times, most of us will feel lousy and probably not in a mood for anything at all, much less a chat with a total stranger. It was the cab uncle that drove me home after knocking off at ard 2 in the morning. He needed a chat and so when we reached my destination, he pulled over, turned around and talked to me for a bit. We had a quick chat for abt 20 mins and he was mostly expressing his views about how humans are destroying the natural order of earth and some stuff about his daughter, how unsensitive she is and also how nowadays youngsters do not know how to respect the elders and also an incident how he managed to point a young chap in the right direction.

As you can see it was mostly a listening session with minimum input from me. And just before i got off, i mentioned to the uncle that we need not have such a negative outlook to life and we ought to (if possible) see all these situations as trainings, to train ourselves to be a better person esp if we truly feel that the things around us are not that well. Afterall, all changes starts from within and the smallest change may someday amount to a big change given the right conditions. The mind can only be well if we keep infusing it will loving kindness, keeping it calm and joyful. Hearing this, he smiled a little and said yes, just like trees, if you water it and take good care of it, only then it will grow green and healthy. Hearing that and seeing uncle smiled, i smiled back feeling happier, said my byes and got off.

Since feeling happy is a good factor when it comes to recovering from any illness, i'm sure i was more tuned in to recovery than i was before i took the cab. For all my friends who are not feeling well right now, let's tune in to recovery together.

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