Wednesday 25 January 2006

The Hidden Messages in Water

A book by Jap scientist Masaru Emoto to introduce the reader to his revolutionary works. Through years of research and experiments, he found out water molecules are affected by our thoughts, words and feelings.

Making use of high speed photography, he discovered that crystals formed in frozen water reveal changes when specific, concentrated thoughts are directed toward them. Water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to loving words formed brilliant, complex snowflake patterns. However, water from polluted sources or water exposed to negative thoughts formed incomplete, asymmetrical patterns.

Click here to see various breath-taking crystals formed with exposure to words of love, peace and happiness.

Armed with such a wonderful discovery, Masaru Emoto constantly spreads his messages of love and gratitude through published works and seminars over the world. He believes as humans are made up of 70% water, if we can constantly generate good thoughts, we can better ourselves and our surroundings. =)

It's an easy read with a good number of the crystals pics shown within the book. Thumbs up for the pics! =)

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