Monday, 1 January 2007

Platonic Relationships

Platonic relationship in a modern sense means an affectionate relationship between 2 people of opposite sexes in which the sexual element does not enter into the picture. A simple example of platonic relationships is a deep, non-sexual friendship between two heterosexual people.

It is also commonly used to describe the relationship between a man and a woman who are bosom friends but have no intention of getting into a deeper relationship e.g. BFGF or Man & Wife relationship. Do you believe in platonic friendships exist in this world? I do so without a doubt. Simply so because other than my buddies, i do have very good bosom friends that hail from the opposite sex. (",) Some are married, some being attached while the rest being single.

(I must admit once more that this is one of those blogs that are prompted by the events around me. Without these events, i do not read or think too in depth into things that i might have taken to be very natural and simple to me but not so to some others.)

Let me illustrate more of my views on this topic. When you see two persons of the opposite sexes going out together, enjoying each other's company. Laughing aloud over a good cup of coffee, walking the mall together or even catching a movie together. What do you see? Or rather how do you view their relationship?

I simply see 2 persons having a good time enjoying each other's presence in the present moment but to some, it means that the 2 parties are interested in each other and habour thoughts of developing further into the relationship (based on past reflections from a number of friends as some of them had remarked that if the girl is not in the bit least liking the guy, she would have never agree on a one to one basis outing).

Of course, there is no denying that there are times when people do go out with the intention of getting to know each other better. And some of them do so in hope for a more beautiful relationship to blossom in the somewhat near and foreseeable future.

Looking at these few very different attitudes towards relationship, it's little wonder that people (or maybe it's just me) find it difficult to tell what sort of intentions are present. And to make matter worse, one party may approach with a simple view for better friendship while the other might think otherwise and wish for more, resulting in a awkward situation.

No matter what and how different is our attitude towards the relationship, it is still important to remember that the other party might not concur in their views. Even so, we should learn to respect their point as the other party is just like us, in search of happiness in this present moment. We will then be able to live in the present truly and let infinite possibilities take over in their own due course, be it great friends or lifetime partners in the future yet to come. =)

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