Got a lift from Dy and reached there nearly ten in the morning. Dropped off right in the centre of the town and started my little exploration of the Port Town. Looked around for a couple of landmarks (to get my bearings) and made my way thru to Fremantle Prison.
Fremantle Prison is one of the most historic landmark there and i suppose a "must visit" for all visitors.
Got my ticket for 11.30 guided history tour, seeing that it's early, looked around for a place to breakfast. Settled for a small cafe by the road side, "KC's Cafe". I supposed KC to be the initials of the owner.
Chatted up with the owner a bit and realised i came at a right time. Came when most of his morning crowd had gone and so got my breakfast in a jiffy. He told me the lady before me waited about 20 mins before her meal was served. Whew.. Filled my stomach and back to the Prison i went.
The guided tour last around an hour or so. Must say that the tour guides really knew their stuff. Told us lots of interesting facts of about the Prison and that some of the former inmates actually came back for a tour (the prison was shut down only about 10 - 20 years ago).
Spent the rest of the afternoon for a relaxed walk around the town. Of course, i kept my eyes open for foto opportunities and i did manage to get a handful of them. =) Uplodaed some of these fotos taken at Fremantle.
Sorry guys as i only uploaded some of the pics and if you like to see the rest of them, guess you'll have to meet up with me. ;P

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