Thursday, 29 September 2005


Gave skating a miss over the weekend. Raining at my side since late morning though S messaged me that it wasn't at the east. Sky cleared up in the late afternoon though, so around 5, took my bike out for a ride instead.

Cycled non-stop for about two and half hours except for the occassional red lights i hit (i cycle mainly on the road itself). Went down AMK and hit bishan park. Just as i was about to exit bishan park and hit thomson road, two ah boy (think around age 10 or 11) went past me. One of them remarked very excitedly to his friend: "GT! GT! Look at it!"

GT's the brand of my bike (in case you do not know). It's one of the better known bike makers in the world. My beautiful model GT2005 Avalanche 2.0. =) So, i turned my face and smile at them. Not sure if they saw the smile. So continued with my journey down to mac-ritchie. Can you believe it, no sightings of monkeys at all and only one single sighting of a squirrel scrampering across the tracks.

Went into Adam road which is along lornie road right after mac-ritchie but before the exit to PIE. Well, it'a dead end (thought it might have led me to some unexplored parts), just some landed property. Quiet and cooling place though. Did a u-turn and decided to head home. Dinner timing coming and the stomach's was rumbling.

On the way back, stopped at a red light at a cross junction around AMK avenue 5. Haha - surprise, surprise, saw the two boys again, they were on the walkway waiting for the green man. Cute fellas, one of them was quick to remark: "Look, another GT! Second one i see today!" (must be a real GT lover)

Flashing a big grin: "No lah, i'm the same fella back there at bishan park you saw earlier." Boy: "Bishan park II rite?" "That's rite, on my way to mac-ritchie. Anyway, light's green now. Bye!" "Bye, bye!" and looking at their fascination on my bike, probably their dream bike rite now, i think to myself - bOyS will always be bOyS! After all, i was that young once (though my dream bike then was a racer, not mountain bike). =)

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