Confusing? I'll explain... It's like this, Bintan Resort Lagoon is more known for its golf course. Gathered from the thoughts and opinions from most of the staff, it's really for the marketing and senior management to indulge in their interest in golf. Hence, it's for the staff to appreciate the golfers....
It's not so bad for me cos you guys know me - i'm quite into photography, so i can more or less entertain myself by snooping around the place taking pictures. Well, i really can't say the same for some of the rest.
I know that one of the managers (non-marketing) went to the beach at around 3 times within that 24 hours stay in the resort (i know cos i bumped into him while taking pics of the beach area). You might say he's a beach lover and he likes the sun but all the rest of us know, he's not the sort (he's more of the quiet type).
To tell you the truth, many of us found him quite pitiful and lonesome during the trip. On my part, i do admire him in a way cos he's pretty resilient in his peaceful quiet manner. He's really well read and very much capable of holding an more intellegent conversation than the rest of the managers do. So i actually managed to engage with him for quite a fair bit of conversation but still, there's only so much that we can say.
All in all, it wasn't a bad trip for me, got my shots after all but pity that the sky's overcast so i couldn't get a proper sunset or sunrise shot (you know, the big yolky thing). By the way, i got my hands on the go-kart there. As usual go-karting are fun but a small blemish in the big picture due to the fact that the track was a bit narrow and short. :)
Here's the pics, do enjoy! =)

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