Thursday, 17 January 2013

The Art of the Brick - Part 2

Here's the rest of the pictures from the exhibition. Its no easy matter trying to capture the essence of themes and messages the artist is attempting to bring across with his / her artwork.

In this exhibition, it is evidently more so. Every piece of these art exhibits was a direct result of months of effort by the artist, built one piece at a time. I cannot even pretend to tell you that i understood fully what he went through and hope to represent the exhibits in these photos. You have to experience them yourself. Meantime, I did my best here and hope you enjoyed these photos!



Tuesday, 15 January 2013

The Art of the Brick - Part 1

Mark, Tracy, Cecilia and i went to The Art of the Brick exhibition held at the Marina Bay Sands ArtScience Museum over the weekend. For more info about the exhibition, you can click on this link - The Art of the Brick

Missing in action was Ryan and Lorine. Seems her foot were aching or hurting and stayed home to nurse it, giving the exhibit a miss. To the 2 of you - if you can find the time, go for it. The showcases are really amazing, its a shame to miss, so try not to :)

Anyways, here are some photos from the first room for sharing, more to come in future posts!


Friday, 4 January 2013

