There's really a lot i like to put down in words but i find it somewhat difficult as it's really too personal and there are too much inner thoughts and feelings that are hard to describe.
But one thing i really wish to pay a tribute to ~ is his love for children. When he loved us all, every one of us, his nephews, nieces, grand nephew and neices even though he had none of his own. Like his name suggested, Hai ~ meaning ocean. His generosity and love towards us was big and boundless like the ocean.
Below are photos of my two of my nieces, his grand nieces, the children that he showered so much love on.
In my memory with love always ~ my 3rd Uncle Hai
Pardon the title but there's something to it that i like to put in down in words. =)
Sparked off by a little side talk i had with Wi at Funan Mac's while having a little snack. Btw, that's right after we attended the fotos exhibition (haha, just thought to mention it again in this entry since i believe it's really worth dropping in).
Wi related to me how Macs mixed up his orders (home delivery) a couple of days back. In his orders included a chicken fantastic meal but a beef fantastic burger was delivered instead. As he did not wish to keep his family members waiting, he decidedly accepted the food sent. So ending up eating a beef burger instead of a chicken. Mentioned in the passing that he felt bad about it as he worships Kwan Yin at home and he shouldn't be eating beef in front of Kwan Yin.
I made a suggestion to Wi that he did not have to feel bad about it and there are other ways to look at the same situation. First of all, i clarified to him, one do not differentiate between eating chicken, beef or another type of meat in the buddhist context. Eating meat is discouraged for all lay practictioners while vegetarian on the other hand is encouraged.
In Buddhism, all sentient beings are considered be equal, all born with an underlying Buddha Nature to be realised. If we look at it from a more material sense, then we are all equal in our desire to be happy and free from suffering. It's the same from the smallest insect to the largest mammals that we share our living space with, no being wish to be in pain and agony. =)
Reflecting for a while, i mentioned that he might have made a much better decision in accepting the order. By doing so, he did not have to keep his family waiting and he did not waste more resources by rejecting the order. In rejecting the order, the delivery man will have to return the food and re-send the correct order. In doing so, more fuel is wasted and more pollution is caused by the extra fumes emitted for the extra trip. Not only that, the beef burger will be rejected and as Mac's cannot keep their food beyond a certain time range, the burger will definitely be thrown away. As our resources are waning, looking from this angle, this might have been a better off decision.
Most importantly, it's our intentions that really counts at the end of the day. Of course, i'm not saying that good intentions coupled with bad actions is good but it is definitely better than bad intentions coupled with bad actions. =) Without perfect wisdom, how can we know if we truly did the right thing. But we can definitely rest easy if our intentions are perfect from the start. Mate, rest easy for you have made the decision out of love for your family. It's the loving intention that matters. =)
Visit a photo exhibition held by Wi's boss at MICA building last Saturday. Name's Tuck Loong and he's quite an accomplished photographer and designer. The exhibition will be on till 6th March with a slide show starting at 2 p.m. every sat. You may visit the photographers gallery for more info.
Enjoyed the way he captured the moments, how he made use of the natural light conditions to enhance his composition. Quite a master and i was particularly drawn to his people portraits (felt he had done a most excellent job on it though he mentioned in passing to me that portraits were not exactly his forte). Really loved the way how direct eye contact were made with the subjects.
My favourite photo - a young monk, age around 5 - 7, lying down on a bench with one of his hand resting on a sleeping cat. Gave feeling of peace, calmness and just being in the moment, in touch with the surrounding beings that shared ths living space. =)
Had a nasty fall on sunday during the regular blading session. Er, if there are any parents out there, please watch your kids and do give them your guidance on park safety. =) I think it will be nice if you can do that.
Though i managed to jump out of the way to prevent a collision onto the little kid (kiddo did a u-turn without looking behind for traffic) but there's really no guarantee that anyone of us will be able to do the same in the future. i believe this sort of accidents can be easily avoided if we are more mindful of other road users and park safety. It's bad enough if we adults injure ourselves but i dread to think what injury children may sustain if somebody my size or bigger crash into them.
Like to really give thanks to Ma, Tr, Dy, Ya & Fe for being so warm and helpful! They got me all the temporary medical supplies, tissues and drinks i needed. Really it's not painful. =) The pain is worse if we keep dwelling on it, so i chose to dwell on the kindness showered by my frends instead. =) When the mind concentrates, it naturally calms. There is pain but we need not suffer. =)
Thanks to Se and Ev for asking after me today. Also my gratitude to the nice doc who dressed my wounds today (though i have no idea what she applied). Last but not least, my parents for giving me a new dressing last nite! =)
My heartfelt thanks again to all the mentioned people for the kindness shown! =)
Something interesting happened during lunch yesterday. =)
As per usual when i lunched at foodcourt in ST, i take vege food. It was no exception. Queued, picked my food, gave thanks to the auntie who arranged my food. Paid my dues to the young cashier lady and when she gave my change, i said thanks again.
To my surprise, she spoke. Please don't get the wrong idea but it's really because she's the quiet type and i don't recall her saying a single word to me or much to anyone else save the auntie. Haha, what came out of her mouth was really a surprise to me.
She said, "Do you have to say thanks everytime and at least once to each of us?" I replied to her that it is only nice to do so. She said, "Still, don't have to do it all the time.. and why?" "Why? Cos you are selling food to me and i'm thankful for that. Since without you, i will not be able to fill my stomach.", i said. Saying so, she gave me a "bewildered look" and went back going about her tasks.
In Zen context, there are 4 blessings that we should constantly reflect upon and be grateful. They are namely our parents, our country, all sentient beings and the triple gems. In Zen, we also encourage noble 8 fold path, they are namely, right view, right understanding, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration.
When we talk about the 4 blessings, we are actually touching on the subject of inter-being. That we cannot exist without each other, that we are all inter-dependent on one another. Without the auntie selling vege food, i will not be able to take vege food. This relates to gratefulness to the blessing of sentient beings. Furthermore, all practitioners are encouraged to take more vege food as to reduce the demand for meat. This will in turn reduce killings of livestock. This relates to the nble 8 fold path esp on the aspects of right view, right understanding and right action. =)
Hopefully in time to come, the young lady will one day appreciate the notion of inter-being and understand the intention behind my thanks! =) At the same time, i give thanks to you, my viewer for allowing me this chance to express my views to you! =)
A book by Dalai Lama, one of the leading spiritual teachers of our time. In this book, he invites the reader regardless of their background, race & religion to open their compassionate and kind hearts.
He stresses on the fact that we are very much born similar, similar in our innate desire to be happy and without suffering. That all of us have the very same underlying potential to enjoy blissful peace and a calm mind.
With such an understanding in mind, we open our hearts to the people around us, to see them as equals and to start on a path of kindness. In the book, he also prescribed some techniques used in the Tibetan Buddhism to cultivate a lasting compassion for all beings.
More than often, we are caught up in the whirls of this material world. Sometimes so caught up in it that we become unmindful of the present moment. Instead, we keep going backward or forward in search. During the process, we hurt ourselves and others, be it knowingly or unknowingly. All these stems from our fundamental ignorance.
Ignorance of what? ~ ignorance of the treasures we already have in life. The treasures includes your family, friends and everything, even the trees around that provides us with shelter and oxygen. Ignorant that we have no true self and that all are dependant on one another.
This is because that is. We cannot be here in this very moment if conditions did not exist right for us. Example, a tree cannot be here if there is no sun, no water, no earth. All conditions had to exist before it can transform from a seed into a tree. Looking deeply like this, we can see that the whole cosmos exist within us. Every single factor has to be just right in order for us to be here in this exact moment. Isn't it wonderful just to be alive? =)
Why not open the heart to embrace and treasure this moment, the people and all things that is already surrounding us? Don't look elsewhere, all we need is already here and now. We just need to open our kind hearts. =)
If you're wondering what i've been up to recently ~ it's fotos time again. Fireworks every nite at River Hong Bao for a total of 17 nites.... How can i let slip the chance, went for 4 nites of it. =)
Here's my take on it, it's not the best but i still hope ya enjoy! =)